What are You Reading This Week? — September 12, 2024

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As the weather cools off for us northern hemisphere folks, what genre do you gravitate towards? I really enjoy making my reading seasonal when possible, so I love horror reading in October, but I’m not sure which genre suits September best. I used to think fantasy, but lately, I’ve reconsidered: there’s something about a chunky fantasy novel that’s a perfect match for a winter read. I could get started on Halloween reading early, maybe by easing in with thrillers and gothics before the real horror reads. What do you think?

Today, I’m sharing some of your favorite books you read this year for task #9 of the 2024 Read Harder Challenge: Read a book recommended by a librarian. I also have some updates on my reading progress, including the tasks I’ve completed recently. Let me know what you’re reading in the comments!

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