Groupe Verpack’s new assembly mounting and manual coating facility in Sousse, Tunisia, is now fully operational. Established in Tunisia since 2009, the Verpack Group relocated in 2004 from its former 2,800 m² facility to a 5,500 m² site previously used by the Japanese manufacturer YKK, the world leader in zippers.
Verpack customized the building to its image and according to its functional needs, in particular fo the manual mounting and finishing of cardboard cases and boxes. The site was ranked bronze by EcoVadis and Verpack aims to continue to make it progress.
Since the beginning of the year, the site has been fully operational and welcomes 180 team members, for a maximum capacity of 400 operators.
“Taking advantage of the historic local activity in textile manufacturing, the workers in Sousse are fully qualified and accustomed to high expectations for precise, meticulous work and quality,” highlighted Verpack in a release.
This Tunisian site complements the five other production units of the Verpack group, all located in France.
Materials are all sourced (FSC) and transformed on the group’s French sites before being shipped to Tunisia in just a few days. The facility is under customs control, meaning the logistics for their return to France are facilitated. On site, a customs official validates the cargo and seals the truck for its direct delivery to the customer, with no further intervention necessary.