Most toddlers share one thing in common – they want their own way. We’ve all seen the “throw yourself on the floor” tantrums that often shows up as a result. But what’s a parent to do when the kicking and screaming starts? We’d like to share a few helpful suggestions.
Most importantly, when your child demands his own way, don’t give in. If you do, he’ll learn that tantrums work and is more likely to throw a fit the next time he wants something. Instead, step out of a restaurant if you have to, or leave a shopping cart behind, but deal with tantrums swiftly and firmly. This is a teachable moment: “I’m the boss, not you.”
The next thing is to make sure the discipline you choose fits the behavior. Young children are concrete thinkers, so consequences are best when they connect to their disobedience. If your child sneaks a treat, for example, withhold dessert after dinner. Or if he’s selfish with a toy, take it away until he’s willing to play nicely.
Finally, whenever possible, allow natural consequences to be the teacher. I remember a cold winter’s day some years back when one of my boys insisted on wearing his favorite pair of shorts. Before he even got into the car he knew he’d made a mistake and never did it again.
With ideas like these and a good dose of consistency, you’ll become like a rudder to your toddler’s behavior, guiding them forward.