Samples: Aptar Beauty and SoPost combine their expertise

By pooling their respective skills – Aptar Beauty’s expertise in the design and production of sampling products with SoPost’s digital sampling expertise and distribution logistics – the two companies aim to simplify digital sampling campaigns in the beauty sector. It is all about providing a comprehensive solution to a topical issue, namely implementing a sampling campaign, from production to post-trial comments.

“Our partnership with SoPost brings real added-value for our clients. As we work on brand projects upstream, we can ask them to anticipate their future marketing activation campaigns by recommending the right sample format depending for the right distribution channel,” says Saveria Guelfucci, Marketing Manager Turnkey Solutions by Aptar Beauty.

In practical terms, Aptar Beauty manufactures and fills samples and SoPost develops digital campaigns, handles distribution logistics and monitors campaign performance.

Consumer case study: the sampling campaign for Memo Paris’ Madurai fragrance

Memo Paris, a Parisian luxury fragrance house, chose the Imagin sampling solution from Aptar Beauty combined with the digital and logistical expertise of SoPost, and in so doing became the first client to benefit from the partnership between the two suppliers.

“Imagin is a full-service packaging solution featuring an extra-flat spray format. Its lightweight and highly customizable design is compatible with e-commerce requirements. It is the ideal format for economic postal distribution,” explains Aptar in a statement.

The SoPost technology also allowed the brand to both identify and target the customers and to follow their product discovery journey, to collect and analyse their feedback and understand their buying intentions. All of this data then helped fuel the brand’s CRM database

According to Arthur Courtois-d’Auzac, Head of Digital at Memo International, the overall visibility of their retro-planning and exhaustive budgeting from manufacturing to marketing activation is great asset of the partnership between SoPost and Aptar Beauty.

“At Memo Paris, we strive for each interaction with our brand to be enjoyable and memorable, and product sampling is a key point of contact in our brand experience. SoPost and Aptar not only cover the international sampling experience end-to-end, they also share our mission, which is why we chose to work with them. This partnership allowed us to target the right people and improve our customer experience, in a profitable and efficient manner, while minimizing waste and maximizing return on investment,” he says.

By combining the variety of sample formats offered by Aptar Beauty with SoPost’s targeting technology, the two partners believe they can help brands carry out less expensive and more effective sampling campaigns and, ultimately, more responsible ones.

“At SoPost, we want to go even further by offering our clients a 360° support. We strive to optimise our processes overall with targeted and sensible production. This partnership allows brands to better plan their production process ahead, and to consequently limit costs as well as waste,” concludes Hélène Tournesac, Head of Brand Partnership France at SoPost.

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