Elevate Your Everyday

Some of the rituals in my life were obvious as soon as I asked myself the question. My morning meditation-journaling-coffee routine and frequent evening bubble baths are definitely rituals. And there are smaller, subtler ones, too. The song my community chorus sings to close each rehearsal is a corny and surprisingly touching ritual. The phrase my best friend’s kids use to say goodbye any time we part. The movie I watch every year on my birthday. There’s nothing inherently sacred about any of these things—largely by design, as it’s been decades since I was a religious person—but they feel that way because I’ve imbued them with meaning.

Rituals feel good. They connect us to each other and ourselves. They make us happy. Michael Norton has the data to prove it.

If savoring the experience of everyday life sounds appealing, I heartily recommend The Ritual Effect. Here are some other terrific reads to explore.

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