Why Cloud-Based LMS Is The Future Of Corporate Training

The Shift To Cloud Solutions

Cloud servers are remote platforms that can be accessed via the internet. They can be used by multiple clients at once for computations, file storage, or content management. It makes them useful for collaborations, especially in remote work settings. The cloud-based training software can help in similar ways, ensuring easy Learning and Development (L&D) management. Let’s have an overview of the cloud solutions benefits, and then see how they empower the corporate eLearning industry.

The Rise Of Cloud-Based Software Solutions

Cloud storage and cloud computation are often labeled as one of the most innovative approaches of today. Top IT infrastructure companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google feature them in their products, indicating their widespread usage. Let’s look at several key benefits of cloud solutions in general, and then focus on corporate Learning Management Systems (LMSs).

  • Cloud infrastructure is easily accessible from anywhere. Therefore, it can be used for cross-team collaboration or remote work management.
  • It enables efficient collaboration of several people, including remote team members, who can access the cloud server from their own devices, be it a corporate training solution or code repository.
  • Cloud platforms are cost-efficient, as businesses can pay only for the resources they need, such as computing power or disk space, without overpayments.
  • It’s easy to scale corporate activities with cloud services, as capacities such as computational power or disk space can be allocated according to business needs.
  • They can be specialized according to the company’s needs, so the business will obtain the ready-to-use solution, such as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine, corporate eLearning platform, or many other options.

Current Needs For Corporate Learning

Now, let’s explore several corporate learning trends according to recent statistics. For each trend, we’ll specify how cloud solutions can make it more efficient. Then, we’ll see how cloud solutions can be beneficial to help companies follow these trends and gain a competitive advantage.

Flexible Training Solutions: Microlearning

According to many studies, interactive learning is much more efficient compared to passive content reading, watching, and remembering. It follows from the fact that our brain retains information much more efficiently when we actually do something, rather than just reading about it.

That’s why microlearning is beneficial in many cases, being an important element of eLearning for corporations. It’s an approach where learners obtain information in small chunks, such as three- to five-minute videos, and then do practice tasks immediately. Therefore, they learn by doing, reinforcing their knowledge, and it can also be better integrated with their daily job activities.

A good cloud LMS for business can be customized for microlearning, with notifications and features like discussion forums, leaderboards, and motivational badges. It increases employee motivation and engagement.

Remote Workforce Training And Blended Learning

For now, about 30% of the workforce work remotely, and even more have hybrid schedules. While some companies try to limit this and return employees to offices, the current trend shows that remote work will more likely rise. Therefore, cloud technology for training is highly beneficial here due to the need for remote collaboration. Employees from different locations can connect to a unified server, customized according to the company’s needs, and work together in this digital environment.

Mobile Learning In Corporate Training

Mobile-based education enables the accessing of learning materials from employees’ smartphones without the need to use a PC. It has several key benefits compared to PC-based learning, as employees can learn without detaching from their work. Instead of allocating time specifically for learning, they can watch demonstration videos and read instructions from their smartphone, and practice immediately after that.

Mobile employee development platforms are especially good for microlearning and blended learning. Educational cloud services are beneficial here, as they can easily be accessed from different devices without the need to adapt them.

Usually, smartphone usage at the workplace is considered bad, as it distracts from work and leads to decreased focus. It’s no wonder: smartphones are extremely interactive, and an average user checks it several hundred times per day according to statistics. But instead of banning smartphones, they can be used for online corporate training, redirecting employees’ focus on learning materials. It solves two problems: it improves learning outcomes and reduces focus loss due to smartphones.

Employee Experience And The Onboarding LMS

Focusing on the employee experience is another important trend, which is closely connected with improving their well-being at work. It includes organizing a robust and efficient onboarding, so they can quickly understand what they should do at work. With all its customization and remote collaboration features, cloud services are highly beneficial for these activities.

Corporate Training Scalability

Last, it’s important that the learning facilities can be adjusted to the business’s size and changes. Scalable LMS platforms are much more convenient in a world where everything is changing constantly, with emerging new technologies and business practices. For example, they enable customized feature choice and personalized design, so each company can obtain the LMS they need and change their choice as the company grows or needs more features.

Customization and scalability are easy for cloud-based LMS, as its interface can be easily changed according to the company’s needs. No large-scale changes in the LMS’s backend and internal structure are needed for that. With this, companies save a lot of time and money, remaining flexible and embracing changes with much less expense.

Cloud LMS Benefits

As one can see, all efficient corporate education approaches can be realized with the usage of specialized cloud servers. Therefore, cloud-based Learning Management Systems help companies follow all these trends while remaining efficient. First, they offer efficient collaboration, as several users can connect to the cloud server and work together. They can use educational materials together, exchange their content and experience, and communicate.

Cloud-based LMS features can be scaled easily, as more computing power and disk space can be allocated on-demand. So, a company pays only for the service they use, without overpayments. As it grows, it can order more cloud facilities and request additional features.

Moreover, a cloud-based education platform can be easily customized. It includes changing how the service looks for a specific company and which cloud features will be in use for it. No significant changes are needed, which saves time and money while enabling the company to get exactly the tool they need. Therefore, cloud-based learning services are robust instruments that enable remote collaboration, flexible education, and customization.

The Future Of Corporate Learning

As the world continues to develop, the importance of education at work is only rising. It can be expressed by the growing corporate learning market, which has a CAGR of about 30% nowadays. With the rise of remote work and the growing need for international cooperation, cloud services for education become more and more relevant.

A good cloud LMS for business can be customized according to the business needs and scaled as the business grows. It enables multiple people to access it from different locations, uniting them in a single virtual space. Therefore, such tools ensure high efficiency with low expenses, being an innovative solution for corporate education and business collaboration in general.

Editor’s Note: Check out our directory to find, choose, and compare eLearning Industry’s Top LMS Software.

eBook Release: CleverLMS


CleverLMS is a versatile training and management platform tailored for businesses. CleverLMS offers features for interactive employee training, task management, knowledge sharing, and fostering corporate culture.

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